2024-2025 Important Dates for Families
- August 12th: Main Office will be open to families. Office hours 8:00am 3:00pm
- If you need to register a new student, click the link to access the enrollment page here: https://www.bsd405.org/enroll/enrollment-process
- If you need to withdraw your student, notify studentplacement@bsd405.org (include student name, ID and school your student is currently scheduled to attend).
- August 5th: Registrar returns to the building
- August 22nd: Counselors return to the building
- August 26th: Training for 8th Grade WEB Leaders 9am – 1pm
- August 27th: 6th Grade Orientation 9am – 12pm (All 6th graders are welcomed)
- August 27th: Taking Care of Business Day 10am – 2pm (all grade level families are welcomed)
- Students and families will be able to walk around the campus
- Meet Club Jubilee, Boys and Girls Club, PTSA, Rainier Athletes, School Based Health Center
- Purchase a Highland PE shirt (optional)
- Laptops available for families to fill out Final Forms (Final forms needs to be updated every school year. This platform is used for afterschool activities and field trip permissions at the middle school level).
- Laptops available to fill out your Free/Reduce Lunch Application
- September 2nd: Labor Day – NO SCHOOL
- September 3rd: First day of school
- September 13th: Picture day
- September 19th: Curriculum Night
Highland Middle School Calendar
Middle School Sports and Activities Registration Final Forms info here: https://www.bsd405.org/programs-and-services/athletics/middle-school-athletics-and-activities/middle-school-registration
Final forms link here:
Free & Reduced Lunch Applications here: